Monday, October 5, 2015

Elf Blog 2014...Sparkle's return

Sparkle's Visit in 2014!
Apparently, I forgot to post the happenings of Sparkle in here is what happened:
Sparkle arrived riding on Sven!
Day 2: trying to get pointed in the right direction.
Nice relaxing "mallow" bath on day 3!
Day 4...bad news! Sparkle had to stay at the North Pole...too much trouble here!

Day 5, Santa still wouldn't let her come back! 
6 Days of Sparkle...Santa let her come back!
 And she brought some extra eyes to help keep watch!
Day 7: Good view up here
Movie night for everyone..Day 8!
Day 9..Joy to the elf!

New Elf Bandages! Day 10
Day 11...where did the dishes go?

Do you want to build a snowman?  Day 12
On the 13th day, she dressed up as a Gingerbread Girl

Day 14..a pyramid topped with Chocolate coins!
Snow day with Anna & 15!
16 Days of Sparkle...out in the sticks.
Day 17..Jesus is the reason for the season!

December cocoa!
Day 19..It's almost time for Santa! 

Merry Christ"moose" Day 20

Day 21...Candy from the North Pole!
Day 22..Candy cane Scavenger Hunt!

December 23...Sparkle found the new jersey the girls bought for her!

Christmas Eve...Sparkle was packed a ready to go

Hopefully Sparkle will return in a just a few short months!

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